Student Complaints
The University encourages students to pursue written student complaints as close to the source of the issue as possible, such as through the department or school from which the issue arises or through specialized processes already in place to address the concern.
Institutional Complaint Processes
The Report It website describes various types of complaints and links to information on these specialized complaint processes, including policies, forms, and online reporting systems.
If a student is unsure about which office should receive the written student complaint, he or she may contact or submit an online reporting form to the Ombuds for Students.
State Complaint Process for Texas
If a student has exhausted available institutional appeal, complaint, or grievance processes, a complaint may be submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
State Complaint Processes for Students in Online Programs
Baylor University participates in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. This agreement allows students from 49 participating states to file complaints with the State of Texas where Baylor is based, rather than their own state of residence. More information may be found at
The only state that does not participate in SARA is California. If an online student from California has exhausted available institutional appeal, complaint, or grievance processes, a complaint may be submitted to the California Department of Consumer Affairs.
State Complaint Process for New York
Baylor has a study away semester program in New York. If a student has exhausted available institutional appeal, complaint, or grievance processes, a complaint may be submitted to the New York State Education Department.
Office of College and University Evaluation
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue
Room 960 EBA
Albany, NY 12234
State Complaint Process for Oklahoma
Baylor has a concurrent/dual enrollment program for high school students in Oklahoma. If a student has exhausted available institutional appeal, complaint, or grievance processes, a complaint may be submitted to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
Accreditor Complaint Process
If a person wishes to file a complaint against Baylor through the university’s accrediting agency, SACSCOC, that agency’s complaint process and complaint form can be found here. The agency’s policy explains that its intent is to address significant, documented, alleged non-compliance with SACSCOC accreditation standards, policies, or procedures. Complainants are expected to have attempted to resolve the issue through the University’s complaint processes before filing a complaint with SACSCOC.